At my parents for my biannual visit. Both active alcoholics,

At my parents for my biannual visit. Both active alcoholics, I have so much rage inside I am trying to keep hidden so I don't draw attention to myself but it is so hard. I don't want to hurt them they are sick. But they are also so mean and so self centered. It is not my role to defend other people from their cruelty, other peoples feelings are not my responsibility. My inner child is so hurt and angry.

I got a similar thing going on. Family in from out of town. Used to be a major trigger for me. Not any more thank GOD. No one has really gotten drunk and on my nerves. I always drive myself there so I can leave if I need to and have in the past. I wish you the best of luck Beth. Let’s stay in touch my out of town family is here for another week.

Thanks. I think I have gotten better, less scared, but more mad. Which my dad does not like, when I stand up for myself. So I guess I am still kind of scared, I also don't want to hurt them...I know I have to keep reminding myself that if I really need to leave I could. I am 4 hours from home, but I still could get in my car and go.

I hope someday I can say that this all USED to be a huge trigger, too:).

They started to drink a little but tomorrow night will be the big drinking night. So I am bracing myself for that. Good luck with your situation, too. Yes let's stay in touch.