At a bar having a diet coke

At a bar having a diet coke, not knowing what I can do,,,, I know what I should do. I feel obliged to stay, I brought them here. I'm usually stronger than this,,, bit now I feel weak.

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Adding milk to the whisky doesn’t mask its effects..

Being DD sucks. It's even worse when you are in recovery. I hope you were able to get through this one.

Hey it doesn’t make you weak for feeling tempted while surrounded by temptation! Next time, make a getaway plan

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Diet coke is my go to as well. Something I read on another forum that has stuck with me. The OP stopped in at a local pub. Ordered their drink of choice. It was during the day and not many folks were there. Another patron was there and drinking. This comments about the non alcoholic drink that was served. The OP goes I dont drink anymore. The other guy goes I stopped drinking for 3 years...those were the best three years

Hey. Did you make it?

I know you feel weak as you're surrounded around temptation. But it's pretty cool to put others safety before yours and be a DD.

If it's rough for you, you can choose not to be a DD, or drop them off and pick them up X hours later.