As the end of day 8 approaches

As the end of day 8 approaches ... I really want that drink. I have headaches and the alcohol makes them go away.. These damn masks from covid are not helping the headaches.

Do any of you transfer your addiction from alcohol to something else? I've heard its common.

Last time I was sobor for more than a week was when I was pregnant, 8 years ago ..

Ok.. I'm done rambling. Sorry

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Addiction transferring from one activity to another is extremely common. In fact what you're going through in general is completely normal for someone in your situation. I'm not trying to minimize what you're going through, because I know for a fact how difficult it is. I'm so proud of you for getting this far! I would encourage you to hit as many meetings as you can, get a sponsor, and keep reaching out to the community. You're doing great. One day at a time is a cliche but it's got a lot of truth to it.

Hi, Sam. Your side-effects are normal. Make sure you let your MD know what's going on.

As Matt ssid- transferring your addiction to something else is completely normal. Exercise fir some, and junk food for others.

Your feelings are valid. Whatever you do don't pick up.