As a bartender it has been extremely hard to maintain

As a bartender it has been extremely hard to maintain a sobriety. I’ve been seeking sobriety for about 2 years and I haven’t been successful. Recently, I was promoted into management and put on salary. Now I dont have bartend nor do I work late hours. Whoot! Whoot!

I’m grateful that I’m exiting the “bartender lifestyle” but Im still nervous about starting my journey. All I can think about is being sober in a social settings and it gives me anxiety. Vacations, weddings, work events and holidays... like wtf. I’m realizing that without booze I don’t know how to socialize.

Do I avoid social gathers for the time being?

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Oh my gosh yes… same! I’m awkward af in social settings without alcohol. I just stopped drinking The day after Memorial Day and I’m going to Florida in a week and it’s going to be so tough to resist the alcohol. Here’s the thing, socializing is a skill that must be practiced like any other skill, since we’ve been using alcohol, our natural ability has been weakened. I think it’s just going to take some practice and we will get better at it over time. At least that’s what I’m hoping. Good luck to you Kevin!