Are we supposed to count? I haven't been counting. I

Are we supposed to count? I haven't been counting. I know most people do but I feel pressured when I put a number to it? Anybody else?
Also how is everyone doing today?

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No you don’t have to count. But it’s nice to know your sobriety date so that you can share on your sobriety date at a meeting.


I keep track but I’m not obsessive about it. I like milestones. And round numbers.


I counted days until I hit six months. Then months until I hit a year. And now I count years. It helped me stay motivated. But not everyone's recovery is the same. If it makes you anxious/stressed, maybe just try to keep track of the big milestones instead of counting day by day


Makes sense I haven't done a meeting in a long time lucky enough this time around Loosid has been my greatest support

What's a round number again? I know roughly when the last time I got high was but I get geeky thinking about this "birth"day not into my birthday or Christmas as I don't have my family anymore but I actually want this. I feel like putting a date on it might freak me out

Thanks chicky this is actually a good plan I might just do months like ok got through another one lol

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When do you think was the last time you used? The next day is your sober birthday. If you’re off by a day or 2 :man_shrugging:

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I feel it was the week before the 22nd of last month. But I'm pretty sure it was the day of or a few days before my kids birthday

I kept track, not to brag but to let others know its possible. When I didn't have a day of sobreity and didn't think I could get a week or a month, hearing other people share their sobriety dates gave me hope. I think thats the secret to this thing, we help/inspire others and get inspired and helped by others. Keep track and keep it up.

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There you go. Your sobriety date is the day before your kids birthday.

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Thanks I'm going to share this experience when I finally courage up and hit an actual meeting.

Meetings make me feel good I go to 2 or 3 every week.

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I don't like the way I look so social situations are hard for me

I sent a friend request

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I also thought that putting a number on it would be too much pressure. I didnt want to fall in love with the number. Im new to this, so Im learning as well. What ive done is download an app called "Sober Days" . I put in my sober day and the app keeps track. That way if im curious I can know how many days Ive been sober for, if not i just dont open it up. It also has a feature to allow you to see how much money you haved saved so far by not purchasing the drug or alcohol you normaly would have.


For some of us it is easier to be sober just for today. If that is how you keep sane then do it. Your sobriety is not their sobriety

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Oh I like that it incorporates math

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I use the pink cloud App

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