Are most people on here recovering alcoholics? Anyone successfully tapered

Are most people on here recovering alcoholics? Anyone successfully tapered off methadone?

There are plenty of people on here in recovery from drug addiction. The topic of suboxone comes up a bit. It can be done. That’s for sure.


I’m recovering from alcohol. I went cold turkey and it wasn’t a walk in the park. Second I didn’t realize how addicted I was to it. You can do this. It gets better with time.

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How long were you on it if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been on it for 6 years tapered down from 95mg now I’m at 48 I’m dreading the w/d that’s going to come :weary: did anyone taper from methadone and not have bad w/d symptoms?

I’ve never taken methadone but tapered off opioids several times. I suggest buprenorphine as prescribed by a physician