Are long distance relationships over rated?

Are long distance relationships over rated? And what do you all think about online dating?

Online dating is full of scammers, and part of the scam is that they're a long ways away. Try and video chat or meet asap, and whatever you do don't send anyone money unless you know for a fact they are real and it's something you actually want to do.

I've had like four “women” trying to catfish me all during the same day. It's rampant.

Reverse image searches are a good tool but I've had plenty of scammers come back with clean results from that search.


I don't think long-distance relationships are over rated. My husband and I were in a long distance relationship. If I didn't give him a chance I would have missed out big time.

As everyone else said you gotta be smart.


Yeah, thanks for everything guys. Appreciate it.

Never send money, gift cards or let people make payments on your credit card! Also, you never won the lottery and work at home jobs making 1000s are just ways for people to steal your personal information to sell or use. Video chats are a good start to make sure the person is legit.

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As Jeremy stated above, you have to be very careful because there are scammers out there. and above all, no matter what, don't send money. At least until you have met this person in person along with the rest of their family and you have a good feeling about it. My wife and I met through my church community on Facebook. She worked in Hong Kong as a domestic worker and we video chatted back and forth for 2 and ½ yrs. She never asked for money. Then we met in person a second time one year later. Almost 3 months later, her and her two kids who are now 21 and 22 came to the US. March 15, 2021 will be 2 years since we were married. She is from the Philippines and next to recovery she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. So to answer your question; I wouldn't say that they are overrated but I would say that you have to use your head. There are good people all over the world but there are also people that are out to use you.

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Long distance has its pitfalls. You will find that you argue about stuff for no reason. The real reason is you want to be there or them here. It sucks but it can work as long as you understand that.

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I can totally relate to that