Anyone want to share why they choose Sobiriety?

Anyone want to share why they choose Sobiriety?


I chose not to follow in my grandfather's steps.


Lost my world. And looking back at the last ten years I had 7-8 interactions with police. And every time alcohol was involved. At 51 and trying several times, each time getting harder. My choices are sobriety or death. I am planning to move back to be with my children and need to be clean :v:&:purple_heart:

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I can feel both of you on that.

I too have lost years with one's I was supposed to be there for.

I can agree that each time is hard.

What gives you the strength?

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I definitely feel that frankee, that sounds rough, hoping things go better for you.. I'm facing a similar situation but only my 1st and now last time I'll ever make the mistake again.. legal troubles + the costs and extra worry in life keep me from going back..

I'd say for sure the consequences I face now more than ever. Hadn't realized my bad habits until I got burned with a legal struggle that I'm hoping doesnt turn serious. Knowing thw costs, legal fees and added stess that stays with you is enough to make me never want another drop.. it just isnt worth it in the end

I was literally going to die. My body was shutting down. Needless to say I feel much better now

Got tired of feeling shitty about myself and feeling scared of facing my fears. I no longer want to be a slave to any substance and I'm tired of friendships and relationships that are unhealthy, ungrounded, toxic, codependent and unsupportive of my spiritual, mental or emotional well being.

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Me too. Stay strong :muscle:

There's a saying that one day

You'll get tired of getting sick and tired

Alcohol. It has taken everything from me.

I didn't want to follow my father's footsteps.

I spent last Thanksgiving drinking two bottles of prosecco, and one bottle of red wine, while having my regular two glasses of white each day. Alcohol was a big source of happiness and I was starting to hate how I felt and what I saw in the mirror. So I quit cold turkey. I will be 1 year sober Nov 30 :slight_smile:

Death was the only other option

I got tired of my day revolving around my next drink. I made the decision to stop wasting all my time and energy on something that had too much control over me.