Anyone struggle with marijuana dependency?

Anyone struggle with marijuana dependency?

That's a really good question.

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For a short period of time when I was still drinking and using (probably about 3-4 months) I smoked every day and was very dependent on it. But it was never a very enjoyable experience for me (made me mostly anxious and hyper aware) so I didn’t have much trouble quitting it. But I know many, many people who are dependent on mj - some in and out of sobriety. Are you struggling with it currently?

Yeah i relapsed mid January after 5.5 months of sobriety. I have been high nearly 24/7 since then. And idk how i feel. I kinda love it, kinda hate it. My mind is at war a lot though cause idk whats best to do..

It’s tough but consider what you’re gaining vs what you’re potentially losing. Maybe make a pros and cons list

Ive tried that, but i always end up still feeling torn over it. I guess i dont totally feel like it's ruining my life.. I can definitely become lazy and get the munchies, some paranoia and anxiety with certain strains, but mostly I just feel relaxed and connected to myself, it helps me to stay present and expand my imagination (which probably sounds so cliche but its true! lol) the biggest reason I dont want to use it is because I want to rely on healthy things to make me feel good naturally and smoking weed is obviously not healthy so it goes against my values to prioritize physical health, while simultaneously encouraging my mental, emotional and spiritual health.. Does this make sense or am I crazy? :joy:

Any substance used you depend on it . Most people think marijuana does no harm because it’s medicinal and cause no harm it is an addiction because you are abusing it , substituting an addiction with another is a bad idea but since you found a way to get rid of the other addiction you can do it , just make sure not to go back to the old one, good luck :pray:t4:


Here is something to break the tie on a pros and cons list on pot...CON I am dependent on something again. That is the only one that matters. What if you find pot no longer does it? You are already in recovery for something else and the pull to use it again could be amplified.

I've seen folk say they are more relaxed when the smoke, but that is simply because they crave it all the time they are sober.

Marijuana is my doc. I have never used any other drugs and I have never had a problem with alcohol or pills, or anything else. Arguably, I am also addicted to sugar and technology... but nothing that could completely destroy my life at any given moment like other drugs. I do believe marijuana is one of the safest drugs and it helps my anxiety and depression at times, but there is still this tension in my mind because I know it's not a good habit, and it is illegal in my state which could potentially cause problems. However, I have never been in trouble with the law or anything or lost a job or loved ones over it... I guess I'm just torn because I feel like I should be content without it and maybe I can be, I just prefer life with it rn. Maybe im making things complicated lol

I enjoyed drinking more than toking back in the day.

No you don’t sound crazy at all. I completely get where you’re coming from. At the end of the day, it seems your values are guiding you towards keeping pot out of your life (even for a temporary period of time), treatment might be a good start

Why not try a smaller goal, like 1 week without it?