Anyone out there. I’m new and trying something different. Today

Anyone out there. I’m new and trying something different. Today was really rough. I just don’t want to feel alone.


Hang in there ! You’re never alone. I’ve been there and I understand. This to shall pass. :pray:t4:

Hi shaina, I was looking for an app that can support my sobriety and I am on for 1 min and I find a fellow RN. I am sure I can relate to what you are feeling, you aren’t alone, we are not alone.

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Hey’s the day been so far? Always someone here to talk to...

I’m going through the same feelings... I’m here if you want to talk

I'm fairly new here myself Shaina...sorry u had such a rough day. I feel for ya *hugs! Hope by being here, u never feel alone! If u need to talk... hit me up

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I'm new still trying to figure this app as well.. but your not Alone

Hope your days have been better! Feel free to reach out, this goes for anyone. Always down to try and help

Hey if you want to exchange info and find some things to build on I'm down. I have almost two months clean and am currently in a sober living house. I could definitely use some emotional support. Keep your head up, the only way out is through!!