Anyone know of any legit research studies done on vitamin

Anyone know of any legit research studies done on vitamin/mineral depletion effects on depression as a result of alcoholism?

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I know vitamin B is a big one. Here is what I found just from a quick Google - "Research has been ongoing in regards to the chronic abuse of alcohol and how it leads to B vitamin deficiencies. Without the proper placement of these vitamins, notably thiamine, the body will be greatly impaired and affected." - Vitamin B Deficiency From Alcohol Abuse - Vertava Health

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That's a really good article! Thank you for sending it my way. It's frightening the effects that the lack of thiamine does to the body. I'm making a crap ton of soy beans tomorrow.

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There is a lot going on with your question. There is a large list of vitamin and minerals associated with reducing the symptoms of depression. The most common would be a complex B supplement.
A holistic approach of the mind more specifically the body (starting/w the gut) can have a significant impact on our mental health.
Check out the new studies, focusing on the connection between sugar and inflammation.
When i look for advanced research on a topics I always use .gov, .edu, sometimes .org
Some of this post is subjective based on personal research and conversation with people in associated fields.
Hope this helps, :v: out!