Anyone know how to deal with a broken heart ๐Ÿ’”

Anyone know how to deal with a broken heart :broken_heart: and stay sober , Iโ€™m just trying to stay busy and stay sober, it has to end but my heart doesnโ€™t want it to be over.pretty crushing and damn it would be easy to fill up this whole, and get rid of the pain, now that our relationship was out of control, but not letting go and doing it again would be insane, everything to lose and nothing to gain, broken hearted back to where I started, at the beginning of this cycle again, just me and the pain, Iโ€™m waiting for the sunshine after the rain, just like a storm it looks to be leaving as fast as it came. What Iโ€™ll really lose is stress , someone thatโ€™s a mess, everyday wondering and having to guess if shit will ever work out , or is this just a test , to show me that Iโ€™m the only thing that really matters and my sobriety and fuck all the rest , because at he end of the day seeing how far I have come, if I change my perspective Iโ€™m lucky to be a live Iโ€™m actually blessed

I was dealing with the worst breakup of my life when I first got sober. I feel your pain friend. What worked for me, might not work for you but I will share with you what helped me during that time. 1. I threw myself into a new physical hobby, specifically one with a spiritual element to it (yoga) and made a commitment to go every day ... it helped me release a lot of pain and emotional wreckage I was holding in my tissues. Check out Y12SR online, they are free recovery meetings with a bit of beginner friendly yoga and are currently doing online classes 2. I read a lot of books. The one that helped me the most was Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed 3. I built a community and let them carry me. At the time, I was doing AA and those friendships and bonds saved my life, as well as going to meetings. I hope this helps.

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Time heals all...only caveat is when it involves your kids. No healing from that

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Hi Xavier. I cried. A LOT. I had to let time run it's course. I found something else to occupy my time. Years later I learned that break-up was the best thing for me.

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Thank You all for your support and kind thoughts and recommendations and insights! Thank You :pray:t3:

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