Anyone have any tips on the first week

Anyone have any tips on the first week of recovery and how to get through it? Alcohol has ruined so many good things for me and I keep going back. I just want to finally be done with it.



Glad you are here, and seeking help. I was just sharing in another thread. The end of my first week was the worst of it all. Felt like the worse week of my life the worst was around the end of that week, I had DT's, the worst night of my life. But I turned a corner. I got myself a Sponser, and that was the beginning of a new life.

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Turn to God if you have any faith. And get a sponser. That's what worked for me.

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Glad you're here. Just keep coming back to a support group, find some AA meetings in your area and go go go.

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Thank you! I have tried many different AA meetings when I was 21 and 22 but it was mostly religious and im not a religious individual so ultimately I had stopped going.

Meetings & religion aren't for everyone, & that's perfectly fine. I've never gotten much benefit from meetings, but one thing I will recommend is establishing yourself some kind of support system that you can fall back on if & when you feel yourself slipping. It's also important to begin breaking the habits that keep you anchored to alcohol. The transition to a sober life can get pretty uncomfortable at times, but know that the discomfort is only temporary & is absolutely worth it! You can send me a friend request on here or reach out anytime you need to & I'd be happy to chat with you.

Reach out and keep talking and keep asking questions and just keep saying no to destructive issues

Totally understand your feelings about meetings. I struggle with the God part too. But if you can put that aside in the beginning and just use meetings to meet other people in recovery I have found that is keep contact with others in recovery. You will also find many people at the meetings feel the same as you about the religious aspect! Aa really is about spirituality not a religious God..but most importantly it is about the people and relationships you develop with other addicts and alcoholics in recovery. Use it for that . You are not alone in your feelings!


Well said :clap:

The first step is admitting you have a problem so you already on your way to a happier, healthier, sober you! I've been sober for a few weeks, even months and the damn voice in my head tells me, "You can have and drink, you've earned it. You won't drink too much this time." That voice is a LIAR and will keep you on the wrong path. Its finding things to distract your mind. Find things you used to love to do before alcohol. Come on here and vent to us! We all have had our struggles and even though once again im newly sober, having people who truly understand your struggle is a massive help!

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If you feel the withdrawal are overwhelming contact a professional. It's best to detox in medical setting. Don't give into cravings. Reach out to someone when you're struggling.