Anyone going to the convention in Tempe next weekend ?!

Anyone going to the convention in Tempe next weekend ?! :grin:

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Not sure would love more information

It’s July 23rd-25th at Tempe mission palms in Tempe az ! There’s gonna be a TON of people attending and will have meetings every hour and there’s also going to be a pool/dance party with a dj and stuff like that. Meetings every hour of the day AND night!

Oh wow sounds awesome

Sounds interesting :thinking:

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Its 6 hours ..hmmm


Where does it say that? I know it’s not 6 hours only. There will be multiple meetings all throughout the day and night and lots of fun stuff to do too! You should still check it out if you’re free! :blush:

If you live in az!

I don’t think it’s an aa convention but heroin anonymous

It’s aa, sad, ha, its for everyone ! It is called the ha convention but it’s truly for everyone

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Sorry I meant 6 hrs away from L.A

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Oh lol

I wish I was. A trip to Arizona sounds fun.

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