Anyone experienced any physical side effects from long term u

Anyone experienced any physical side effects from long term use of alcohol?

I been abusing alcohol for almost 30 years and sometimes I just can’t remember certain things.


I'm the exact same way. My memory is shot other than that nothing else


Me to bro ..I could saying something them I loose my train of though my eyes been bother me as well other than that joint pains

And may I add that it his also cause me to have panic attacks due to a depression state

Not really sure if its panic attacks or anxiety ..I'm on med for depression and bipolar disorder along with tons of other mental health issues

Do you think that has been bought along because of the drinking because I feel that's what's going on with me. I started having severe mental issues like being sad, couldn't focus, panicking all the time and alot of other things

Had internal damage to my GI track and Liver after 8 years of drinking. So you get those checked out. Also teeth need to be looked at.

Alcohol it's a depressant so I assume .

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Yes I work in the dental field and alcohol is linked to periodontal disease

How much were you drinking

And it's crazy to think that we would grab a drink to have "fun" but in the end it is a depressant that has a downside effect

I got lucky and didn't develop periodontal disease. But was drinking about a 24pack of beer a day, and then graduated to drinking a fifth of liquor a day before I realized I need treatment.

Our fun is a hangover for the next 3 days

Oh wow! I couldn't drink that much if I wanted too I would pass out first.

Right! And feeling like you accomplished something

Yeah I had a high tolerance built up. Wasn't rly something to be proud about like I thought

I suffer from social anxiety and depression which is why I drank in the first place. I quit 11 years ago. I fell off the wagon for a very brief period two years ago when my dad passed away and had an afib attack. It probably wasn’t caused by the alcohol, but was triggered by the dehydration the following morning. I spent 3 days in the hospital and am now on meds the rest of my life for the Afib. What hurts me emotionally is the Afib keeps me sober because I fear any alcohol will trigger an attack. What bugs me is I feel like I’m not sober on my own terms. Like I don’t drink because I can’t, and not because I choose not to. The same with caffeine. I was a big caffeine addict before this as well. Now a Red Bull would probably put me in the hospital. Again, not on my own terms. I have to also watch stress, excess salt, dehydration. I feel like a prisoner of my depression and my body. This further causes more depression. I feel trapped without any vices. Help! Does this make any sense to anyone? I struggle with this feeling daily.

Wow I understand. Sounds like when we have one of those bad hangover nights and promise to not drink again and then still do it the next day as if we didn't learn are lesson. Can you elaborate a little more on the Afib attack because I've been having rapid heartbeat and I did read its linked to excessive alcohol and caffeine which I drink a cup of coffee every morning but the very light one and when I drink excessive like every day I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack

I’m not 100% sure that I can attribute it to my long-term alcohol use but I can’t imagine it didn’t have any effect. I feel like it definitely worsened my short term memory and exacerbated my ADHD

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