Anyone ever have that feeling of lonliness around these times

Anyone ever have that feeling of lonliness around these times of year? Don't mind being single, has been a while since I've had somone but miss that feeling of being together.. Not sure I ever will again, seems any attempt I make leads to getting ghosted or nothing more than friends.. my legal jam doesn't help either limiting where I can go for a while but hope to get past this all eventually. I feel for anyone else who's in the same boat and wish you all a merry christmas. Just wondering if I'm alone, havent had the best luck

You are not alone, I'm good with being single too after getting a divorce 9 months ago. It's lonely, especially now during the pandemic. Hang in there and set goals and use the time to learn about yourself!

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I can relate. Four years ago, I lost custody of my children (and lost the ability to contact them beyond an annual birthday card) as a result of my acting out behaviors. But I am not alone this Christmas because, for the first time, I am sober and connected to other addicts through the miracle of 12 Step recovery.

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Thanks, that sounds rough man I will and I guess in time maybe I will, merry christmas!

Thanks man, just got to try until something or somone sticks as tough as it is I guess. Will be a while till I get through my jam but will hang on till then. Best of wishes for you for a better year of 2021!

Wow man, I definitely feel for you that sounds like a tough go. Sounds like you learned the same way I did when you go through the worst parts of life you realize what you need to do or change and it sounds like you have and are doing a lot better! Hope you get the chance to still see them and things go well for you from now on. Great for you and thanks for sharing. Have a great christmas and new years!