Anyone else with long time sobriety that is thinking s

Anyone else with long time sobriety that is thinking about drinking/using again?

I’ve been sober for about 4 years. The thought to use comes back here and there but at the moment I’m doing ok. What do you think is leading to you wanting to use again

Twenty Eight years and I still have stinkin’ thinkin’ from time to time.
I thank God for all if you in the networks and my foundation and my toolbox of steps and slogans. Keep talking about it. Move a muscle change a thought!

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I had 37 years, then picked up 3 years ago. It’s crazy. I have a young son and no one reliable to care for him so I can go back to treatment. I’m still working, but a functional alcoholic is still an alcoholic. I’m miserable and miss my sobriety so much. I took it for granted.

A very wise man once said to me,"if you are thinking about drinking again; finish the thought." Meaning run through the process of drinking. From fist sip to the aftermath. Somewhere in there is why you chose to quit.

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