Anyone else have episodes of rage? I don't know if

Anyone else have episodes of rage? I don't know if its a personal problem, an effect of being sober for this long and not knowing how to handle things, my ptsd, or all of these things. I hate being angry, and lately ive been very frustrated with myself. I used to be very different but now ill be triggered by anything and the smallest things. I try to do something to express it by labeling my anger or changing the subject or physically doing something else. But sometimes i get so mad i want to hit something and im scared. I used to do kickboxing and it helped but i cant do that at home. Punching a pillow doesnt work. And when it comes to in the moment things i dont know what else to do. Does anyone else experience this? I feel awful.

I also have anger issues. Not having something to numb the mind doesn’t exactly make it better, but it does make it transparent. I decided to start seeing a psychologist and she has been a huge help!

I have an anger issue as well… which is more difficult for me to control when I'm sober I'm finding out. I've read books on it and went to therapy. I highly recommend therapy and to talk about it alot. The best thing for me is to not hold anything in. Exercising was a big help for me too maybe try any exercising … I find weights to be more helpful than just plain cardio. Kick boxing was alot of fun I really liked that too but maybe weight training might help you since you can't do that. Things like peppermint candy or cinnamon or a little piece of chocolate can help me. I still snap and get angry but I just try not to beat myself up and keep trying. It has gotten better for me… message me if you wanna talk about it.

Hi Liz my name is Ben. Have You ever heard that anger is a secondary emotion?? Anger is fear based. It means You are scared of something. Road rage for instance how does that happen? Someone cuts us off in traffic and where does the anger come from? Fear that person almost had an accident with me. They almost caused me to crash or almost crashed into me. That person is going to hurt or kill someone driving like that. Brief subconscious thoughts that I may not even recognize as fear and before You know if flipped it into anger. Hey maybe I give them the middle finger or yell at them or honk my horn. Whatever the result it's a response from a personal fear not really anger tho the anger may be more apparent. Anger is a fear based emotion. Deal with Your fears and You will be amazed but it will make You a much less angry person. Deal with the root cause and confront Your fear, worry's and insecurities and watch anger begin to disappear from Your life!!!!

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Yeah, i talk about it alot with my therapist. I know underneath all my anger and rage that im just really sad. Im working on how to express and understand my emotions more. I try to do alot of things like identifying it like saying out loud “im angry” or “im frustrated” but i still have a lot of energy despite knowing what the reason is. Kickboxing helped but with the pandemic and it being winter its hard to do something active in my house. Idk ill keep trying something else until something works i guess.

Yiu qre working on yourself thays impressive

Rage is something I struggle with. My nature is not predisposed for that. I'm more comfortable being calm and serene. But in my past I've done 12 years in prison and 5½ of those years I was in solitary confinement or in a Super Maximum Security Prison. At times when I would be pacing in my cell I would suddenly stop and clench my fists and every muscle would flex my jaw would squeeze tightly shut and I'd feel the most powerful sense of anger.

What I've realized since then is that what I was angry with was the system. For you it's probably different it might be someone. The best thing to do to disconnect from your rage is to make peace with that time that gave birth to your rage and take note of the fact that life is now different for you.