Anybody else struggling with a relationship issue?

Anybody else struggling with a relationship issue?


It depends...which relationship?

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LOL! Significant other?

Yes! Well, FINDING someone with similar lifestyles, like, ya know, sobriety. Lol

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Not really just dealing with life on life’s terms...that says it all does it not?

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Yes, when I drink, by bf stays up all night worrying about me. Doesn't sleep. The look of disappointment in his face, and I still continue to drink. I think I'm being slick and can hide that I've been drinking, but he always knows! I have no reason for drinking, not mad, sad, just happy, and want to feel happier. I'm pathetic :persevere:

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Don’t say that about yourself. You are in the right place.

Thank you :pray:

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I am trying so hard to be sober. My wife has a different relationship with alcohol. She doesn’t have the same problems I do. On one hand, I feel like she should support me and cut it out. On the other hand, why should she have to give something up she can handle responsibly just bc I have a problem? When I look at it objectively, it doesn’t seem fair to either of us. When she drinks, it’s very hard...


I've noticed my character defects make me struggle with any kind of relationship

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Me too

When two or more people get together, sooner or later there are going to be challenges. It's pretty much normal.

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If you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten!



Yes :confused:

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Yeah if I pick up..

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I am not good with boundaries. I’m not good at setting my own. I’m not good at respecting those of others. I think I know better. I don’t and I am working hard on being better. I am finding strength to establish and communicate to others my place in this world, and to listen to/accept theirs.

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We needed to ask our HP that question, If all is right there, All will be right here !
Don’t Drink, Clean House, Help Others!
Keep it simple !!
Rule 69 !!
This All coming from a guy who wore chaos like a comfortable pair of pants, We are going to know a New freedom, A New happiness, and for me a new pair of jeans feels good :grin:, Easy does it ,
But do it !!