Anybody else having to or have had to medically detox?

Anybody else having to or have had to medically detox? Looking for advice I guess, I'm starting today.


If it's an option I would take it. I've never gone down that route myself but have had friends do it for opiate withdrawal and it it's definitely more comfortable. Alcohol and Benzo withdrawal can be extremely hazardous so in these cases it's strongly encouraged.

I'm a firm believer and what's known as the harm reduction technique which is medically helping someone go through withdrawals I myself have done it for opiates and believe that not only is it more comfortable but it is safer much love and respect to you you can do this I have faith in you and believe in you

Do it via supervision of a qualified physician and make sure you give him all the info he needs. Dunno what you are detoxing from, but different drugs have different withdrawal effects. Cold turkey solo can be lethal with alcohol and benzoyl for instance. Opiates withdrawal can be treated with suboxone and such. Iu can can do it inpatient gfi.

I was in med detox. Take the meds. Do what they say. Detox saved my life.

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Also I believe in you

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It’s the smart way to go. Med Detox professionals get it. Also they will provide options for your next steps.

I did this on the 7th of January. It took me about 2 weeks before I started to feel somewhat normal again. I ended up having some bad side effects from the Gabobentin? Not sure about the spelling. It does get better and easier just stick with it.

If the Doctor recommends it, then do it. I don't think my initial detox was technically a medical detox. However, I was monitored very closely, and participated in a recovery program at my hospitol. Five days a week f. It was the best decisions I had made in months.

Also, there are some nasty deadly things that can happen in detox. Better to be supervised and have help right there with you.

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I concur!

Yep do the medical detox. You will be safe and have professional people guiding you thru it :100:

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I've been to medical detox three times....please go....great safe way to start....good luck's scary to walk in but what a relief to be alive and safe....I've been to enough OD funerals.

Ive tried 3 times on my own, i almost died twice. Medical was the easiest way i was an iv user of herion. Been clean 1 month 15 days :smiley:er

On my road by myself

Yes ma'am. Im the youngest resident in my state on methadone maintenance and I've been on it for over a year. There are pros and cons. Pros: when I relapsed I couldn't feel the effects from any opiates including fentanyl so I had no motivation to keep using. It was just a waste of time and money catching a double habit to a substance I didn't even feel. It also helps somewhat with cravings ( although I've been using since early childhood and unfortunately that urge never fully goes away for me. I hope it will one day be lifted.) It also helps with pain management since I suffer severe migraines and cramps . Cons: Some snobby people try telling me im not sober because im on maintenance ( which is far from true.) It can be a pain knowing you will still be sick if you don't wake up to get your meds every day. Coming off maintenance can be even worse in relevance to the withdrawal symptoms than heroin or fentnayl. My boyfriend was on a non opioid maintenance called vivitrol which makes it impossible to get high off opiates or alcohol in the beginning of administration ( usually intravenous) but he slipped and immideately overdosed off one line of fentanyl which had never happened to him before in his life so it is extremely dangerous to use on non opioid maintenance medications versus opioid replacement such as methadone or suboxone. Suboxone is a great option because you don't have to visit a clinic every day, you take your script home, the naloxone makes it hard to get high from any other opiate if you have a lapse but if you do slip up and keep using other opiates on top of suboxone you will go through precipitated withdrawal once you catch a habit to the other opiate/ opipid

Always best to detox in a medically controlled environment. We all react differently to what we are detoxing from. Alcohol can be deadly and opiates can be very uncomfortable when doing it on your own.

You gotnthis stay strong and stay on the straight path to wellness