Any tips on how to deal with suboxune withdrawals?

Any tips on how to deal with suboxune withdrawals?

I hate to say it but no matter how you try to get off the fact is, it sucks. Not as bad as methadone but it sucks.. the last mg is the hardest.. just take hot showers and wait for the ‘flu’ to break.. it will get better after a week or so. Keep hydrated and try to eat.. the phisical is easy the mental is the hard part.. don't be alone after the phisical goes away.


Figured it was going to suck taking 2 mg a day just ready to be done with it. Thanks

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Yea it's going to suck.. I dropped to 8mg by choice but due to medical reasons I am advised to stay on it until the medical field figures out a cure.. I got off 1000+/- mg of oxys and methadone and fentyal 15 years ago.. it was not fun but I made a promise to myself to never go back to that crap and I haven't slipped once.. doctors would try to proscribe me oxy but I have declined that crud.. point is remember how shitty and hard it is to get off of it's a good reminder anytime you think about it.. it's possible to never touch the stuff once you promise yourself you won't do it again :relaxed:

Just wanted to say nice job on getting off the subs and for seeking support through the process :+1:t2:

Yeah I had 6 years clean till about a year ago. It can be done I know that

Thank you

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