Any thoughts on coping with anxiety? Needing some input on

Any thoughts on coping with anxiety? Needing some input on this subject...recovery has stirred unfamiliar emotions, and my ability to cope is not yet present. I’m really struggling with the fact that my anxiety leads directly into depression. Any and all thoughts on the subject will be greatly appreciated!


Meditation is good. Also getting off of caffeine

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4-7-8 breathing technique
Inhale 4 seconds hold 7 seconds and exhale 8
Works in a crunch for me and I can do it without people knowing u r

Felt this. And reminds me of that old cliche, “best part about getting sober is you get your feelings back ... worst part about getting sober is you get your feelings back”

Anxiety is a tough one bc for me, it has a lot to do with understanding what triggered the anxiety (if anything) to know what the best way is to handle it.

For example, if I am feeling anxious because I’ve been laying around all day, a quick fix has been to get up and do something that feels productive even for a little while, like wash the dishes or take out the trash. If it’s before-bed anxiety, I find it is usually triggered by worrying I won’t fall asleep so I do something that will get me out of my head like read an engaging book.
Make a list of different things you can try and work on implementing them little by little... then repeat whatever works :upside_down_face: and let us know how youredoing with it!

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Deep breathing exercises, a good night sleep, and eating foods high in antioxidants.