Anxiety 😟 for no reason

Do you ever get anxiety :worried: and you don't know why? If you do, what do you do to shake the feeling :pensive:?

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Yes! I talk about my life with my therapist weekly. But on a daily basis I have my sponsor and core friends in and out of recovery I reach out. It can be overwhelming initially to reach out. I describe the situation how I feel and what I want to do about it and what I should do about it. I usually can come up with a better understanding of why I am anxious by doing this. Staying connected with friends is the key for me dealing with anxiety.

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Staying connected is definitely key in and out of the moment. If it is just me dealing with something making particularly anxious, I zero in on whatever is making me anxious. I've become a pretty effective self-talker by just exposing the irrational thought for being just that: irrational. I try to think someone/anyone else who has what I would consider a to a be a more concrete and immediate concern. It helps make whatever fear or worry I'm having seem more manageable. Hope that helps.

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All the time.. Panic and or anxiety out of no where.. Lemon Balm and Valerian Root extract and lots of relaxing teas.. I won’t take the SSRI/SNRI route like most docs want to push on people..And reaching out to friends in recovery.. Meditation and as corny as it sounds, but diffusing essential oils i.e. Frankincense really gets me into a meditative mindset.. Hope things subside a little for you.

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Yes! It bothers the heck out of me lol especially when I can’t figure out why because that tends to cause more anxiety. Sadly, a lot of the time I just end up taking a nap but that doesn’t really help! I need tips too

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Thank you. Yes, I actually was planning to talk with my sponsor and just being able to talk was helpful :slightly_smiling_face:.

I'm feeling better now but I agree anxiety :confused: can feeling overwhelming :sweat_smile:

I use to love essential oils! Thanks for the reminder :slightly_smiling_face:

I get anxiety out of nowhere sometimes. It sucks. When I was active in my alcoholism/drug use, I would always get paralyzing anxiety while driving on the freeway for some reason. I would have to pull over or get off at the nearest exit till I calmed down. There were times I would avoid the highway altogether and google scenic routes to reach my destination. I dont know why it would come on so strong while driving on the freeway, but it would and it was scary.. today I can drive on the freeway without that happening thank god. But anxiety sucks and those of us who get it know it can be the most terrible feeling at its height.

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I've had it before while driving and I bet having it that bad on a highway was a nightmare. I am calmer now but drinking was my solution in the past ... I'll just try to remember some of these things the next time it surfaces.

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Meditation talk to it

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This may sound silly but I started getting paint by numbers crafts and doing that usually reduces my anxiety

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That doesn't sound silly at all! That sounds really smart :nerd_face: :ok_hand:. I love that. Thank you!

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β€œAnxiety: conspiracy theory’s about yourself”

I started taking Ashwaganda and St. John’s Wort. They are supposed to help with stress and anxiety and are all natural. I’d maybe look into these and other natural supplements :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing this! I didn't know about that. I will definitely check it out :grinning:

Hey..take it easy relax. Anxiety is nothing but bullshit ..stay in the present moment like now stop overthinking shit that's our disease....pray meditate trust me you be okay

Thank you. I do have a multivitamin I take daily, do you have any others you would recommend?

This helps me a lot too. Any kind of craft I can engage in with my hands