Anxiety and Methods

How often do you feel anxious? What methods do/did you use to treat/manage your anxiety?

I don't suffer from this anymore. When I eliminated unnecessary tasks from my life, took naps, and practiced deep breaths, it helped tremendously.

Tell us your go-to methods below.


I’m told it’s unhealthy but I use Push Away and Redirect.

Multiple times a day. Thankfully my creator knew Id be that way so he turned me into a musician and music is my best defense and offense. Aside from that, I feel like I should not have an issue finding methods because I practiced healthy things for the first 25 years of my life. But that's what happens when I let the demons win. I'm trying to find to rediscover good methods. That's why I finally downloaded this app. Ab ez girlfriend suggested it a year ago but I went the other way. Too far. But I'm on the same page as you. It's creating many small tasks and rituals that so far have been my best approach. Now I just gotta find a new guitar and get back at it. Sober. I'm excited because I always play best sober.

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Deep breath’s never helped me

I talk about my feelings with a therapist or others and pray for guidance.


I don't want to make assumptions. Does that mean you avoid the problems? I'm sorry. I'm truly ignorant on this term.

Yay to sobriety. My husband just started practicing guitar. You have any tips to share?

Which good methods have you rediscovered?

I'm sorry. Have you found anything that helped?

Kolipin helps

Yeah. It means bury it, refuse to think about it, change the subjec. Just avoid. Again I’ve been told it’s unhealthy but it’s what works for me. You may be very different. Best of luck. Anxietys the worst

Id start with simple blues riffs.
Next thing you know hell electrify like Dylan.
Good luck.
( you're his best critic.)

I try to do breathing exercises. Anxiety is what scares me the most of possibly ever threatening my sobriety so I try to keep it out of my life.

Also, if I can identify what is potentially bothering me I decide if I can fix it. If I can fix it then I do. If I can't I write it down so I have planned to fix it tomorrow. If I can't I have to pray or meditate on it and let it go.

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The DARE method is very effective . The app is great .

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I used to work out until I fell out today I practice meditation it's much more effective beneficial to the Mind Body and Soul

Prayer and meditation work really well for me. Also talking to other people that understand addiction is very helpful.

That's good. I'm glad you have a healthy support system.

Yes, praying helps me, too. I leave it at the feet of Jesus.