Another Valentine's Day Down ✌

Another Valentine's day down. Shout out to all my fellow singles out there in sober dating land, I'll be your Huckleberry!! :grin::man_facepalming::muscle:t2:


:hugs: awesome

What does Huckleberry mean? Why don’t I ever get the reference :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: Sober Valentines Day 2021 COMPLETE! :white_check_mark:

Huckleberries are native blueberries apparently. The reference is from the movie Tombstone, fantastic flick by the way.

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:+1:t3:Sober Valentine's Day 2021… DONE :heavy_check_mark:

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Yep check :heavy_check_mark: :heart:

Now on to President's Day ... celebrate accordingly :wink:


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(S.A.D.) Single Awareness Day OVER!

I can so relate.

I've heard that reference quite a bit over the years.