Another question… I know I’ve posted quite a bit t

Another question… I know I’ve posted quite a bit today.. sorry. But I noticed on my Instagram feed quite a few different brands that have started marketing non alcoholic drinks infused with adaptagens and herbs that can help with stress and improve moods. Anyone ever see or try these? If so your experience?

Step carefully. It's an inside job.

Yea and pretty pricy. I’ll stick with normal supplements I think. Maybe I’ll try H-TP5. I’ve tried 4 different anti depressants in this last year with terrible side effects.

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Yikes. Wellbutrin saved my mental ass

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That one made me feel like I was geeked out on meth … bad insomnia and walking through a fog, couldn’t concentrate or get through my work days. I’ve also tried Zoloft and most recently Duloxetine which actually helped with the anxiety but had the fogginess and then extreme sweating. I don’t need help in that area as our summers are in the 100’s and my job I’m constantly in and out of the office. Only thing that works for me is Xanax but I’m very careful with it because you build tolerance very easily so I use it only when having anxiety attacks or a really hard day.

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Never had to use Xanax

My prescriber has been talking to me about something called TMS look it up haven't tried it...he also mentioned treatment with ketamine...that one feels a little to risky for my sobriety ...but I have heard good things about it

Don’t be sorry for posting and asking questions that’s what we are all here for. Asking for help is the best thing you can do. So just keep doing the things you’re doing.


From my experience there will be no over the counter remedy for your stress or anxiety. Those feelings and emotions come from within you. It takes days for the body to counter the chemical and physical imbalances as it returns to a level of homeostasis. The best recommendation to help with your stress, anxiety, and sobriety is to engage in physical and/or mental exercise routine. There is loads of research and studies attribute a regular exercise program with a ladder of health benefits including better sleep, increased sense of wellbeing, less stress and anxiety. Obviously I am not advocating to remove any Rx meds that help, just suggesting that there may be an alternative.

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Yup I’ve been an avid gym goer for last 5-6 years .. heavy lifting some cardio.. I’ve worked with dietitians so I’m aware of nutrients, macros, meal prepping which I still do. It helps most certainly just not all the time

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That’s why I’m simply asking because it seems too good to be true. :woman_shrugging:

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Oooo, no, melatonin does not work for me at all. I’ve had some funky adverse effects from it .. but heard it works well for a lot of people. I have a very sensitive system I suppose is why the last 4 anti depressants I couldn’t last more than 3 days with all the nasty effects.

If you read the fine print, many of these products have alcohol in them.

I was actually curious to try naltrexone or the other one that’s out … can’t think of the name. But looked at side effects and sure enough both say possible increase in anxiety and insomnia, and since my anxiety is the main problem Im reluctant. I can barely drink caffeine.

I drink Kombucha on occasion has like 0.02% alcohol … for the whole bottle and I usually drink just half. Has no effect on me whatsoever or increase my cravings. But I’ve come to the conclusion these “homeopathic” herbal drinks are not worth it… most likely a scam. I already take a capsule form of ashwaghanda and magnesium. I’ve tried Kava Kava tea in the past. Tastes terrible but did help with stress, however stopped when I read if your a drinker it csn increase risk of liver problems.

I’ve heard of TMS actually, but haven’t done too much research.. I think it’s something fairly new.. not sure. I’ve heard of ketamine and Kratome but yea I don’t think those would be an option for me either