Another good book!

Another good book! How To Quit Without Feeling Shit : The Fast, Highly Effective Way To End Addiction To Caffeine, Sugar, Cigarettes, Alcoh - ubiq university bookshop: the best place to buy books!


You're quite resourceful. Thank you.

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Your welcome! Here’s an excerpt.

General guidelines for taking amino acid supplements
When you are feeling anxious, stressed or tense, take GABA, tryptophan, 5-HTP or taurine.
When you have low energy or feel apathetic, take tyrosine.
When you are having difficulty concentrating, or you have memory problemseel mentally ‘fuzzy’, take tyrosine.
When you are feeling hypersensitive to noise, lights, touch or pain, take DL-phenylalanine (this is a combination of D- and L- phenylalanine).
When you are having trouble sleeping, take tryptophan or 5-HTP, GABA, and/or taurine.
When you are irritable, take tryptophan or 5-HTP.
To offset cravings, take glutamine or GABA.
When you are depressed and apathetic, take tyrosine.