Another day one

Another day one


Hi !
Don't give up on yourself and your close ones

I believe in you

Don’t give up. Keep trying. You may have to do something different. What does your sober plan look like?

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I’ve had plenty of Day Ones. I haven’t made it a year yet, and I can imagine that hitting the reset button again after having a strong period must hurt.
But the part of you that’s disappointed is the same part that knows your potential.

From a newbie perspective, it’s daunting to see that even the mighty are vulnerable to relapse.
But nonetheless, I admire how long you were going, and I am relieved to see you realign yourself to becoming better.

No shame in restarting. Each set back is a lesson. Learn from it and it will propel you beyond its roadblocks.

I’ve had lots snd lots of day ones but I don’t give up and I’m growing out n other ways. It’s not a loss, your being fortified

Hi Jacquelynn,
Keep trying and please don't give up on yourself!!!

It’s one day at a time. Look forward. You can do this.