And yet again, day one!
I’ve found the lesson of “begin again” to be very valuable. Not just with sobriety but with life and mistakes. Cultivating forgiveness to not beat myself up and allow for better mistakes next time. But also not using this as a philosophy of letting myself off the hook. I’m still 100% accountable for my actions.
I wish you a clear mind to begin again and to keep going!
Good luck on your journey.
just dont drink (use) today...
Its Okay Chris just dust yourself off , and try again, seek help if you need too. We're hear for you. ONE DAY AT A TIME
Thanks man!
I’m hunkered down! Not leaving my place.
that works!
I’ve found myself there too. I don’t look at it as “ugh, I’m here again” but rather that my sobriety is a lifelong journey that I am on and i realize that over the years, I might slip once or twice, but I also know that I have the skills and resources with me to keep going. Don’t think of it as starting again. Technically, yeah, your day count is back to one. I stopped counting days years ago once I accepted that sobriety for me is a much of an every day thing as food or water is. You’ve shown yourself you are able to live sober, so you know you can do it. Look at the positives and strengths about your journey and don’t get so caught up in the slip. I wish you luck on your journey and I’m happy to talk any time
good shit matt! noted
Any Time