And acceptance is the answer to all my love problems

“And acceptance is the answer to all problems today…”


Hell yes!:clap::raised_hands::fist_right::boom::fist_left:

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That's awesome

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Thanks :pray:t3:

So true. That’s great

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Yes! Yes! I completely agree with you! Not about your love problems but definitely mine! I’ve accepted that love is something that take patience. Just cause someone give you attention doesn’t mean the get me. I’m learning to make friends first. I’ve even put sex on the back burner. I’d rather wait and find the one who I can bond with then just waste time and their time.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: it was a typo and auto corrected to that :woman_facepalming:t2: I tried to edit it but it didn’t work

:joy: no worries :wink: I was supposed to see that today! So Thank you :pray:

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For me that’s how my guardian angels work.

Oh yes definitely me too!

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Lol, it applies either way!! :joy: