Alright, I would like to tell you all a funny

Alright, I would like to tell you all a funny story. One person here started talking to me and told me how she is serious about finding a guy and starting a family. I was like , yeah, there are many good guys here. She was like, what do you do for a living , who do you work for. I am like wait a second, why do you have to know who I work for with in the first one hour of conversation. Then she dropped her number, I was like, maybe she is not this prince of Nigeria, let me give her number. After a couple of texts, she asks for my last name. Lol. Damn! People think they are really smart to take advantage of other humans. My last name starts with F and ends with Off.


My name starts with F and ends with Off is the best line of the day! Thanks for the laughs! Yeah, people must think we can't see through their BS. Ridiculous!

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Don't you worry! There's lots of those scammers trying to get people in early recovery because many people in early recovery are vulnerable.... what they fail to realize is that many of us are very suspicious as well, lol

Haha, I can write for you, when you find yourself in an interesting dating situation. Kidding

Haha. I just find it funny, how much time they invest to scam. Bad investment strategy. Instead they should learn crypto trading. Haha

I just rejected three way too young girl’s friend requests now. Easy for me I’m gay lol!

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Bahaha :rofl:. I like the f - off haha.

Yeah, this is a great app for support but you do have to watch out for spammers. It's happened to me too and it's so disturbing that someone would fake an addiction just to then try to trick someone out of $. I'm all for forgiveness but it is difficult not to be frustrated when people are just praying on volunerable people :unamused:

Yes, and if you report it to the people go this app , they don’t do anything about it.

Hi, Gary. We do remove people that give a reason to be banned. I'm sorry you feel that we don't. If there's a profile you feel we need to remove please send the username and content that proves the account is fake to and we'll be glad to look into it.

Scammers on every app. When would be this app or dating apps and they become very very sophisticated. I just got scammed on a dating app and it was unbelievable how much they went into making everything look real. So beware and I’m like the other gentleman there were some very young attractive girls who friend requested me on this app I knew right away that they were fake

Haha.. yea, rely on your instincts