Almost two months

Coming up on sixty days. Still having those thoughts. Been attending meetings, reaching out etc. finding it hard to enjoy my days doing things I once liked doing without some kind of end game which was my alcohol use. In a limbo state


Very hard to cut off people / things you love to do. Just remember to keep looking for new things and an open mind. Peace


Hi Daniel ! You got this it fuxk alcohol. Reach out anytime :blue_heart:

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Thanks everyone

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Good morning Daniel. Wjat you are experiencing is completely normal. We as drunks have rewired our brains so that the only thing that feels good to it is the booze. There are actually physiological reasons behind it. It has to do with dopamine and I think the other one was neuropinephorine.

The good news is that our brains will rewire themselves it just takes time and possibly therapy.


One foot in front of the other, brah. You got this. You made it this far. Nobody can take that away from you.


It takes time to build new habits. Add long as you don't pick up the day is a win. And it gets better. It's not a steady curve but it really does get better.


Baseball players think about baseball… It took some time for the obsession to be lifted for me. It's okay to have those thoughts, but NOT okay to act on them. All feelings and thoughts will pass.

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Good feed back guys. Thank you

New here. Can you tell me all the symptoms I will encounter while detoxing? I want to be prepared as much as I can.

What's your drug of choice? What's your level of intake? If you're at all in doubt, consult a professional, and you very likely would greatly benefit from inpatient detox.

Anxiety. Shakes. Nausea. Dry heaving. Cold sweats. And as they get more severe can lead to seizures and hallucinations. Not fun.

That’s alcohol for me anyways

Worse than that, alcohol withdrawal can literally be fatal. If anyone out there is trying to kick booze on their own, know that it can be extremely dangerous