Almost 5 months sober and separated from my wife whom I have lived with for 22 yrs and married to for almost 17

3 nights ago in a quarrel between us she admitted to having romantic feelings for another man.
I am dying inside but I am still sober. I am grateful for my 3 beautiful girls.
I truly want my wife to be happy.
Nonetheless this is the most pain I have ever felt. God help me.

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I’m right there with you. I have a little over 6 months and just found out my x cheating before I ever left and tried to make this woman a mom to our daughter. Stay strong! Stay sober! We can get through this!

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In its own 100 year old way, the big book offers guidance that I have still found helpful. Chapters 8 and 9 are sort of afterthoughts when you’re just grinding out your 12 steps, but there is valuable information there. Filter out the antiquated misogyny of course, but it really helps to understand the degree to which your drinking effected those you love the most. You cannot control how others respond to your behavior. It may be necessary to make a living amend and put your faith in god and the program.


Ditto guys. Neither of us wanted to get divorced but I kinda forced her hand because I couldn’t get sober until just last week. The heartache on top of early sobriety is very difficult to deal with. I have been so depressed for several weeks now and it just doesn’t stop. However me and her still talked almost every day until recently because it was making it harder to heal. I’ve started writing to release my sadness and need to talk about it in some way. I’m hopeful that eventually we can be friends again and talk more and I hate this but it’s what is best for now. I too thought we could get back together and maybe we still can but oh thinking that will only drive you nuts. Give yourself space to heal.

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I was with a gal on and off for around 10 years. Everything bad that happened with us was blamed on me because I smoked weed. So I quit to get her back we still talked every day. I remember hearing alcohol is a drug in an NA meeting. I thought shoot I didn’t want to quit that. After a couple months of going to meetings talking to here daily one night she was drunk. I decided to not go back to her. She eventually told me she couldn’t sleep she missed me and she started smoking weed to sleep. That’s when I quit blaming myself for the breakup and realized it was both of us not just me. Good luck. Heartache sucks. Everything heals with time.