
Does anyone else have a physical reaction to alcohol when they drink? I haven’t always had it but there at the end as soon as I took a sip, it didn’t matter what it was, I broke out in hives, I’d become very itchy and my face would get so red it was almost blue… and my alcoholic brain told me just drink a couple more and it will go away :woman_facepalming:t3:
If you were allergic to strawberries would you continue to eat them? No. But we alcoholics don’t think like that. Pure craziness. Day 24!!


I also turned red almost purple. Found out my blood pressure was thru the roof

I literally break out in handcuffs each and every time


For me it was only with tequila; nothing else bothered me like that.

:rofl: that’s happened to me too!!

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This is my favorite answer!!!

I was an isolating alcoholic. I break out in bumps in the middle of what seems to be a freak earthquake investigation crime scene.

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I did have a physical allergy. A phenomenon of craving would take place when I put alcohol into my body!

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Me to or turn myself in the next day

Lmao it’s funny but not funny. we can laugh about it now. We have to

Tequila used to give me a terrible reaction. The first time I just blamed it on the number of drinks I had. The next time, I only had ONE SHOT of Tequila and my stomach was coming out of both ends for two days straight...non-stop...thought I was gonna die.

Tequila made me umm, amorous? Haha some very questionable decisions and very awkward mornings for sure.

Vodka used to do that to me. I stayed clear of it after the first time I tried it but this is different….. it could be wine, beer, twisted tea, rum you name it and I’m covered in hives within 15 min

Yeah that happens too lol

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Anything with yeast gets my allergies going with hives or red nose; beer and wine mostly. My esophagus was so scarred, it would burn to drink!