Alcoholism and Marijuana

I went to AA to quit drinking and was told i needed to quit everything. I did for 14 years. Then anxiety started taking over my life and CBD and THC was the only thing that seemed to help. I now smoke most days but have discovered i forget about it or refuse to smoke when thing get super emotional and need more processing. These are opposite of my behaviors that i learned were alcoholism. So what y’all think about alcoholics in recovery that smoke weed responsibly or at all?

I do t know if it would be worth the risk for me. Despite what people say weed is addictive. Anything that changes how we perceive reality is. I take CBD with a 3% THC for medical reasons. It isnt enough for the psychotropic effects. You should assess if weed has become an addiction. You know all the signs of addiction. If it has become an addiction then you know what you have to do.


I need to stay away from any mind altering substance


I have my medical card. It has helped me alot with anxiety and they actually prescribe it for alcoholism as well


I have gone into this very slowly with my wife and children also watching for that addictive behavior. No desire to drink which was my biggest fear. Hasn’t even crossed my mind. So

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I did for a very long time. I even quit
Tobacco and cut my sugar and carb intake down to 30 grams a day.

I’m 191 days sober from alcohol and I use THC/CBD gummies everyday. I’m slowly growing away from needing them and I soon will quit them all together. Ultimately they cause far less harm in my life and have helped me regulate alcoholic behaviors.

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That's a topic that is very debatable, and there are good arguments for both points of view. However, it is a mind altering substance and if one is using it to quit alcohol then that person is still not dealing with the underlying cause of the alcoholism to begin with. Just another way to deal with life without facing it. Recovery is dealing with life on life's terms without self medicating.


That doesn’t work with my sobriety


I've never been able to get CBD to work for insomnia. I've given up on it. I am definitely NOT looking for a THC high in any case. Yuck!

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CBD is not very affective at helping with things like chronic insomnia unless you take at least 50 mg.


What does recovery me to you? Does smoking grass impede your pursuit of that? It is your recovery nobody else's. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire not to drink.

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Ive met alot of peops n reccovery.( long term). Seems ro me weed and antideppressants are ok, but for gods sake dont drink.

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I’ve been sober 5 years and I will use gummies on occasion but I’m very conscious about what I’m doing and if it dips into addictive behavior. Alcohol is the thing that will kill me, destroy my relationships and throw away everything I have. A low dose gummy will relieve my anxiety enough for me to sleep.

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I am 417 days sober from Alcohol. I had 5 years sober before relapse and recovery again. I used thc while sober the first time, and now again this time. I find the same response, when I am emotional or over stressed, marijuana has no appeal to me. Totally different responses than from alcohol.

One other thing about THC, unlike alcohol, overuse essentially takes away the positive feeling. This makes it really hard for me to use too often or too much.

I think the key is finding a way to reduce harm. Unfortunately not everyone is going to have a purist approach to sobriety and personally I find it stressful trying to be a perfect, sober person. Anecdotally, my life has improved 100x since quitting alcohol and I use marijuana moderately. I disagree that one is not facing the “underlying” issues if they are using a less damaging, mind- altering substance. You can only heal scars to a certain extent.