Alcoholic who knows but doesn't want to change

I am an alcoholic. My spouse is an alcoholic. I love being drunk. It is the only time I feel good. But the educated side of me understands this is not healthy physically or mentally. I don't know what to do to fix it. I know I shouldn't drink so much but it feels so good.

I recommend checking out an AA meeting near you and chatting with the people there about how you’re feeling. Hang in there, you got this :slight_smile:

I am against ALL religion, so would an AA meeting still be beneficial? Thank you for your response!

Yes! AA is not a religious based program, it’s a spiritual based program that’s all on your personal experience. I entered AA as agnostic, but kept an open mind and found myself more than comfortable in the meetings!

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If it still feels that good, just keep doing it. If you’re a real alcoholic you’ll experience diminishing returns the longer it goes on. In my experience people won’t usually change their behavior unless they’re desperate to do so. That being said, you can save yourself a lot of needless suffering if you throw in the towel now.

I felt the same way. I finally realized that, (quite literally), the juice was not worth the squeeze. The constant hangovers and the bad decisions that always followed alcohol were just not worth it. You can find happiness in other ways - you just have to open your eyes to change to find it. Sometimes that is the hardest part.

I feel the same way about AA I really dislike it but I found a really good alternative that's more science and psychology based its called Smart Recovery you can find a meeting by Google them and see if you have any around you I got way more from them also some meetings have a psychology professional driving the meeting hope this helps

I know how you feel I love to drink also It's always been there.Its fun to hang out with freinds and your other half and party and have a good time.Alocholism is not just a physical and mental disease it's also a social disease. Its hard for me to vary the thought of loosing that social connection, but in order fir me to be successful and truly happy without using I have to distance my self from that life at least until I am confident enough to know I can be around it without falling into temptaion.Go check out a meeting and listen to what people gave to say you'll be surprised it helps tremendously. Just be open minded and just know YOUR NOT ALONE!!!!!