Alcohol is making me lose loved ones and ruining my

Alcohol is making me lose loved ones and ruining my relationships & friendships


Hi Frank. That’s the terrible thing about this disease - ultimately we are forced to choose between our loved ones and our substance. But your are young. There is time to restore your relationships. But you have to make the right choice. Tom

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You're above ground. You can fix this.


I think it is as there is a saying, huddle in to the center of the herd, don't be the week injured one that alcohol separates and kills, this disease puts you on the outs alone then finishes you off, seen it over the years


Frank, I agree with you 100 percent. I lost my wife to drugs and alcohol. I’m ready and willing to work this program to the fullest. I won’t be getting my marriage back but I’ll be amending my family relationship. Everything we do in sobriety from the day we start is one step closer to having our lives and family back.
We must show everyone including ourselves that we are trustworthy and serious about sobriety by action and not words.
I wish all the best for you. You can achieve anything. Put sobriety first.


Well said

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Thank you :pray:

The beneficial thing is you've had this realization. The question now becomes, what are you going to do with this information? If you continue down the same path and expect the different results, this would be an unrealistic expectation. I encourage you to seek out other means of coping. You can do this. You are stronger than you give yourself credit.