Ahh I haven't slept in two days now

Ahh I haven't slept in two days now. Anxiety is that bad. In feel like I am all the time just in a panic attack, its becoming my norm. I just wish the past would go away. It will haunt me forever


I know that feeling. I was up all last night thinking of past situations I can’t change. I just keep hope that it will get better with time.

I know!!!! That's the thing. I worry and ponder about things I can't change! That's tough this shit is wasting my life

It's easier said than done at times, but try to just live/focus on the here and now. The present. We can't change the past, just learn from it. Do you have anyone you can talk to about what's causing your anxiety? I'll sometimes take Melatonin before bed to help me sleep when things are just to overwhelming..

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Melatonin helps me sleep at night too. And a little lavender spray

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I'm on 15 days of only an hour or 2 a night of sleep. When the sun goes down my demons come out. Mind races at full speed when I lay my head down. Home from Rehab yesterday, hoping sleep gets better at home with my animals

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Are you working right now? If you aren’t getting much sleep at night, you can try taking naps throughout the day. Our body’s thrive on rest and I know it’s not ideal to be sleeping in the middle of the day but it could be a good temporary fix until you have a little more time sober under your belt.

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Happy to hear you’re going into treatment, great job!

Me too with the demon thing

I do not really have anyone to talk to. The only person that knows the full extent of evwrything. I cant talk to qboit it. Cuz hes mad. I wish i did.