After Convincing myself multiple times to remain sober the longest

After convincing myself multiple times to remain sober the longest I have ever lasted is 30 days... Today I am back to day one feeling very lonely and uneasy I know this is going to be difficult but I need to do this for myself and my family I know I’m happier Sober and a better Mom and Wife

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Your on the right track get to an N.A. Meeting and keep going back you will be amazed at the fellowship these people provide they are my family and yours if you wish!

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Thank you for the kind words and advice :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Yes we are not the same as when we used you see we are just as human as the rest of the world! And what I’m learning is recovery is the bridge back to life!!you see?

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Day 2 here. Sunday funday ended up not so fun. Starting an outpatient treatment this week! I’ve had a few sober stints but I’m just done. I see so many others do it and that’s encouraging because I know I can too.


Yea you can !!! Sunday Fun Day sounds like it turned into the Sunday Scaries :grimacing: