After 7 years of sobriety my wife and I are

After 7 years of sobriety my wife and I are getting a divorce. My 19 year old daughter said to me dad im so proud of you for not drinking through all of this. I have not had the urge or desire to drink. The fellowship of this program is why I am still sober and the trust in y higher power. If you are struggling with sadness or depression its OK..just dont sit in it alone or for to long. Feeling the pain is a good thing because on the other end you will be stronger. Keep it simple and sont forget to pray. God bless.


Sorry you are going through this tough time, but I am glad you are handling it the way you are. Also thank you for the encouraging words for others.


Divorce is hard but you’re handling it like a boss.


You have the admiration of your 17 yo daughter and you are showing a real life lesson to her. It’s all going to be okay. Eventually...

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I’m going through the same thing. I’ve learned to accept what is happening. Nothing in this world happens by my own making. My higher power who I call God controls ever aspect of my life. In the end I know he has a better plan for me. I just want my wife to be happy. I had to understand that my ego would have my consciously separated from God and when that would happen a lot fear driven thoughts would creep in. Now I let God run the show and I feel like a million bucks. I agree with you Stewart feeling the pain and being humble only makes you stronger. Amen and God bless

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Thanks buddy. That was powerful.

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I agree with your daughter. Hang in there. This too shall pass.

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Stay strong man!

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