Advice for someone trying to change

Crashed my car for the 3rd time last week. I am tryin g to change. Today I am 6 days sober. Alcohol has such a grip on my life.

. Went to rehab 3 years ago and eventually after being sober for a little after my drinking pace went back to how it use to be.
I know there’s so much more in life then alcohol it’s just difficult for me to let it go when it feels like a part of my identity. Just found this app and I am determined to be sober. I had a lightbulb moment 6 days ago when I crashed my car. I want a normal life and finally meet myself without alcohol getting in the way. What is some advice for someone finally taking it serious this time around. I am done- i want a more predictable life, yet its hard when i am so accused to the chaos


What was your rehab experience like?

Amazing experience. learned so much met some of the best friends in my life. was able to be 4 months sober but I just turned 21… and Rehab was like a bubble from the outside world so it was hard to apply what I learned when I got Back into society

I find those who have a problem with alcohol and social really need to give up the people the drank with unless the respect their boundaries. So many don't know how to socialize without alcohol and expect you to go to a bar and not drink. Big changes are required and accept you will lose friendships.


Thank you I needed to hear this

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I feel the exact same way! I don’t feel like myself without it. i always find a way to involve alcohol in everything I do. I’m trying to find myself without it as well. Wishing you the best! We got this :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s not easy but it’s worth it. There are many many online recovery groups. Therapy helped me too!

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Congratulations on making the change bb :sparkles: I'm glad you're safe after crashing your car. I'm on day 3 and determined to give up for good bc I do stupid shit when hammered. Let's do better for ourselves :sparkles: you're beautiful!


Great foundation to start. You have to want it for yourself. You can do it.

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Professional help. Rehab and halfway and IOP saved my life. Seven years sober and in grad school. Get professional help. Do a treatment program. You can have a better life!!! I know you said you did rehab once. Would you go again?

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I finally got sober at age 53 - now I have almost 6 years! Didn’t go to rehab, just lots of AA meetings and therapy

Had a similar experience that's gotten me into trouble.. all the legal and mental struggles of guilt and shame that come make me not want to touch another drop, I understand the feeling though, I've always felt it was part of me and giving it up while all your friends still drink is tough. On about 2 months sober now and look to keep it that way. Hope everything works out for you now, just keep in mind the consequences that can come and remind yourself theres other ways to enjoy life :slight_smile:

It’s not easy, I am over 7 months sober and life is so much better… I just have to remind myself on a daily why I quit drinking in the first place. I am a bartender. I just decided to go back to school in which I start tomorrow. hang in there :slight_smile: we got this…

I just totaled my car in November. I have been in and out of rehabs, detox, NA, AA for years. It is not easy but like everyone has said it is worth it. I have had several months of sobriety at different times and it was amazing how much my life improved. I could never really successfully use the 12 step programs because I don't believe I'm powerless. I did learn a lot and met great people but I prefer groups like Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS) and Life Ring Secular Recovery. They are based more on science like CBT and Motivation Management. Learn as much as you can about alcoholism and how it effects you. Read everything you can find. Watch documentaries about it. Make a relapse prevention plan. Look into sober living houses if you can. Try different meetings until you find an organization you like. This is very important in order to build a sober support network. You have to reach out to someone when you feel like drinking. I can send you a list of books, readings and documentaries if you would like.

I'm right there with you. It does get better. Keep your head up. Remember what happens when you drink but don't dwell on it. Focus on the future you are building.