Addiction is not about sobriety

Addiction is not about sobriety
Addiction is about CONNECTION.
If we can connect ourselves with family, real friends and society we can overcome addiction. The problem is the beginning part is the hardest!! we are not alone.

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I get worried when I count days so I decided to count how many people do I connect with. A simple hello or how are you can lead to a friendship!!

I've been saying that ALLLL day

I can’t count days because then my mind tells me “ohh you’re doing so well, you can reward yourself with a drink” and it’s never one drink, it’s a blackout mess

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Omg yes the mind wants to reward ourselves. Counting days is actually can be dangerous

The cure for addiction is LOVE. Even saying that makes my heart feel good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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