Addiction-0 Me-60

2 months clean today. Can you believe it?! I sure can’t! However, there was a time when I couldn’t imagine spending 24 hours clean! That being said, I’m sure you can imagine my excitement! What a huge feat! This isn’t the part where I thank everyone else or anything for getting me this far. This is the part where I pat myself on the back and tell myself “ya done good, kid! Ya done good!” I GOT ME HERE. ME. MARISA......Admitting my life was unmanageable, my courage to go treatment, my hard work and dedication to learn everything I possibly can to help me cope and my willingness and strength to get up every morning and stay clean and happy for one more day! I can only thank myself right now because had I not took those steps and made those changes and completely surrendered to a new way of life, you wouldn’t be reading this strong message of hope right now. I just wouldn’t be here. However, whether you’re on day 1 or 1000, pat yourself on the back and tell yourself “ya done good, kid” because.....well......YOU FRIGGIN DESERVE IT! Celebrate each day you pull yourself through! Addiction is strong and tough but you’re stronger and tougher! :muscle:t4::heart:

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I'm proud of you; and you have every right to toot your horn. :two_hearts::tada:

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Means so much! Thank you! :kissing_heart: I’m not used to tootin my own horn, but today, I’m all about it! :muscle:t4:

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