According to the nomo app, I am 317 days sober

According to the nomo app, I am 317 days sober and have not spent $6400 on alcohol in that time.

I like the nomo app because it is simple and checking it every now and again gives me quantifiable data supporting my daily struggle not to get fucked up.


This is fantastic!

Is there a heroin and cocaine setting? :thinking::yum:


Well I might just look into it! Thanks.

I was thinking of setting one for my ex wife but I’m not supposed to be resentful..


I'm loving this app! I donated $5 to the guy who made it. I'm going to figure out how to post a screen shot of my clocks...:thinking:

Lol if I didn’t use for 317 days I would save over 80 grand, that’s cocaine for you

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Yea. ~10k for me. And I use to be dumbfounded how people could just afford vacations ... can't wait to some day plan for one and not budget in a ridiculous allotment for alcohol :grin::beach_umbrella::camping::airplane:

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I drank cheap shit. Evan Williams it still adds up

I took out cigarettes and it was closer to 8. I liked smirnoff that wasn't top shelf either. But yep it did add up...