Acceptance is key

If it’s one thing I’ve learned so far in these past 73 days of sobriety is that acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I first tried to get sober back In April I focused more on changing the situations in my life back to normal or what I had considered normal instead of accepting what had changed in my life due to my drinking. This go around I’m focused on changing myself instead of the world around me.


Hi, Zachary. My life changed for the better when I decided to accept my role in things. My relationships have improved, I started to care less about solid relationships I didn't have, and became better at giving. I have learned from many mistakes. My overall life has improved.


Well-said Zachary! My sponsor once said to me “The world is still the same, John, but WE have changed.”

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Absolutely true. its easy to blame the entire world for how messed up life can get. but life is going to continue to be terrible if we blame everyone else and don’t take responsibility. I accept the way the world is, how am I going to react to it today? How am I going to create a better world? Can I contribute good to the world so that others lives may not be as terrible? There’s some really great teachings on radical acceptance as well that I’ve found quite helpful. If I just continue to accept things as they are without adding negativity to it, and try to focus on the positives I can create out of the negatives my world is a much better place.

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