AA fails 99%. I can help you succeed

AA fails 99%. I can help you succeed. Call 310-990-4171.

Free service/ don’t want anything from you.

Jack fails 99%. AA can help you succeed. I’ve been with AA for 37 years. I’m not once did I relapse. So I’m pretty sure AA is the way to go. And the only thing we asked for is that you have a desire to quit drinking.


Unfortunately it’s true.

Just a reminder that Loosid is a platform for people in addiction recovery to connect with others in recovery for support and education. It is not our place to insult another's recovery program. Some like AA as it has been a trusted program since 1934. Others are not spiritual and like SMART. Others do Refuge recovery to be spiritual in an internal way. Psychotherapy, and etc .. And it is not a place for solicitation of any kind. There are a lot of people on here struggling to stay sober, let's be sensitive to that.


Jack is a huge supporter of AA. I believe he's quoting facts as he knows. I don't believe he's attempting to knock a program.

How do you know Jack to the huge supporter of AA? If he’s a big supporter for AA he should not be talking like he’s Has the answer to stay sober.


Please cite your survey sources. That is epic level garbage you're posting

Hey jack, just a word of advice, if there is someone in the app who you wouldn't want to have your phone number, they now have it. That is why we discourage people from posting their number in chats.

Because I have seen some of his comments.

But many of us say things like we have the answer, i.e. "The program works if you work it" when someone says a specific program doesn't work for them. Maybe I misread his post- but I understood him to say "I can help you succeed" is no different than a sponsor helping.

My point is: different programs work for different people. There may be statistics to prove his theory. I know AA works for some. That's great. We need AA.

There's no program fix for all.

But if he has a different  program then maybe he needs to go somewhere else instead of on here. My opinion Jack is trying to ruin some peoples lives. And that’s the way some people are taking it on here and I know that. I know I don’t have the answer to stay sober. But things that I say to people for things that help me stay sober. And that’s what I’m trying to do is help people stay sober.

Remember there is no need to defend the AA way. The program isn’t controversial. Either it’s for you or not. Take what you need and leave the rest. Read the big book. Or have someone with knowledge of the big book read it to you. The book resonates with my story :100: percent. Do the steps. Have faith, Help others. Eat healthy, exercise. Find purpose.
That’s my program.
Remember there is no need to argue about what AA does or doesn’t do. We are a group of recovering addicts that are happy, and all seeking the same thing, sobriety! Enjoy :wink: I’m here to help others.

I respect your perspective. But please know this app, Loosid, isn't affiliated with any program. I know you understand that- but I want to be clear on that.

No matter if you're AA, NA, SMART Recovery, Recovery Dharma, or something else- you're welcome here. Loosid isn't limited to one program's current and past members.