AA Alternative

I’ve been to AA meetings a bunch of times through my 2 year sobriety journey. However I am not a religious person and do not believe in a higher power. So AA just doesn’t help me much to be honest. What are some alternatives?

Good question

I’ve been told that Smart Recovery is a good alternative to AA

Refuge Recovery is awesome!

I love AA and credit the fellowship I found with my home group for saving my life, so I freely admit my bias. But AA is not religious to me. I openly share my disdain for organized religion. AA says my higher power keeps me sober. I say my home group meetings and members keep me sober. Therefore, my home group is my higher power. So when we say “god as you see him” I see a bunch of people sitting 6 feet from each other in a gazebo helping each other do what none of us were able to do by ourselves.


Smart Recovery is the scientific approach. You can find meetings daily on their website.

Once I was introduced to AA I never felt the need to look elsewhere.
I wasn’t sure about the God or Higher Power part of the program either. When I got out of treatment I used my 13 week old daughter as my incentive to continue. To me AA is a way of life. It has and still is helping me to live a better life. When at meetings or reading the Big Book I related to the stories. I didn’t look for the differences but looked at how I related to them. I don’t know you or how you’ve gone about working the program. I can only tell you what has worked for me. Before leaving treatment it was recommended to have a sponsor. I pick a man that I knew I couldn’t BS.
I went to 90 in 90 days. Some days it would be 2-3 meetings in a day and it only counted as one. I made some friends that I could talk with. When I had 6 months I could be of service by emptying ash trays and washing cups.
This all has helped me to stay Sober. This is just what has helped me to be coming up on 37 years of Continuous
Sobriety. It works BUT only if you work it!!
The highest success rate to Sobriety is AA!!
I wish you the Best on your Journey. Remember that the doors of AA are always open for you!!
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