A week Sober!

A week Sober!!


:+1: keep it up!!

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Congratulations keep on counting

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Proud of you!!! One day at a time! :heart:

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One day at a time is all I got

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Awesome!!!! You got this...one day at a time ^^^

Thanks for the encouragement!!!

11days sober

Awesome. :tada:

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Great job :clap:

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There you go , your doing it.

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Congrats, Terrie..woo hoo . Keep it up

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Very proud of you !

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This is kind of hard,I’d like a drink but I’m trying to fight it

Play the tape all the way to the end. What comes after the drink? Another? 10 more? A bad decision? A regrettable text? A harmless run to the store before you’re “too buzzed” to drive? A late night? A foggy morning? A hangover? Guilt and shame? A feeling of defeat because booze won again?

Or you can drop everything and go to a meeting.


Thanks Craig

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Keep it up

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