A question for the community. When you stopped using did

A question for the community. When you stopped using did you discover health problems that might have been hidden by your using?


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This is actually something that’s been on my mind the entire time I’ve been an alcoholic - but it’s been weighing on me more heavily as I’ve aged into my 30s. I’ve been sober a week, and I’m nervously waiting to see which aches, pains, and debilitating conditions are resolved by recovery from alcohol - and which are not....


I had problems show up that I didn't have before. It's frustrating but a reality. Just more to work through. I hope things work okay for you and congrats on a week!

Another post this morning discussed post accute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) early in recovery. Keep in touch with medical provider, but just don't get discouraged if you find yourself not feeling as good as you hoped right away. PAWS is temporary and you hopefully will have a lot more days of feeling better overall. Hope you are feeling better soon and sending care your way!

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Thanks. I'm familiar with PAWS. I'm referring to other physical issues outside of that. Problems that might have been present but muted because of substance abuse. PAWS ain't no fun in it's own right though.

OMG That's something I was just talking about in one of my groups today. Yup. Stuff just keeps popping up. It's a little alarming at first but I'm learning nits all a part of getting clean

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Most do, from using or drinking. Get a complete physical. Start taking care of yourself instead of killing yourself


I guess I should have been clearer with my question. I'm already taking those steps.

Most didn't take care of themselves, but you are young etc. Its normal to have a few problems

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Ah, thanks for clarifying, sorry for missing the topic! I need to read closer.

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Arthritis is the main thing that showed up. At 28yo that is a bit early. Now that I am in my 60's I have started to get aftermarket joints installed. I'll be like Robocop pretty soon.


Totally. For one, it felt like I aged over night. Like, one morning I woke up and looked so different than what I had remembered. Also, some mental health issues on the back burner, for sure. And me just generally finding that I didn’t take care of myself well and that my “naturally good health” was in decline. I’m not surprised if you’re dealing with underlying health issues. Using tends to mask our attention to our bodies, create disease, or make preexisting conditions worse.


Yes ma”am! Since I’ve been in recovery I realized the need for check ups and I’ve been diagnosed with and treated for issues that I had ignored for years.

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I celebrated my 10th sober anniversary in the psych ward and got diagnosed with bi polar disorder


I feel better 2 years sober. Felt like shit for about 3 months.

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It’s better to find out as soon as you can so you can address any issues that you weren’t aware of.

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