A lot of triggering things have happened in the past

A lot of triggering things have happened in the past few days. I am struggling in terms of my mental health, as well as my sobriety. I thankfully have not relapsed. However I am identifying the first steps into going into one. I am making time to go to meetings and trying to do my best to reach out to others. I want to get a sponser, but my life is really busy right now to work on the steps that it feels extremly overwhelming. Does anyone have advice on how they manage those things? Also, what are some things you guys do to help during stressful times and have low energy?

You are going to have to make time for you well being. Being too busy to put the work in, is a recipe for disaster. You will have to off load something so you have time for you.


Hey Liz, I’m new here, but I feel like I’ve been in the same mindset lately. I’m here to talk if you are. <3

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I'm new at this too. My husband committed himself for the first time out of the 5 times. I committed him those 4 other times, now I'm the one having issues. We have two children with disabilities and it gets so overwhelming. I've lost 3 people in my family in a 5 week period. The stress is killing me and alcohol is making sure the job gets done. My autistic son told me yesterday that I need a therapist. I made the appointment. 3-4 weeks until my husband gets out and I need to get it together before then! I've went a week without but with the great stress of 3 months of bills dumped on me without my knowledge (he controlled everything) it's tough! But I have to do this! It's sober or die at this point. Two scopes recently and a laundry list of GI issues; 3 different meds for my stomach.

Do you have employment?

Make a gratitude list of things that you were grateful for and reach out over and over and over again. Keep letting others know where you’re at and how you feel… A problem shared is a problem halfed! An Al-Anon zoom meeting would be a good place to start… If you don’t work on yourself nobody else will

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Low energy? Now that’s something I struggle with for real! Rest and nutrition are critical…high potency B vitamins and plenty of water are good resources. If you smoke marijuana, wait until the end of the day before you light up. Hope this helps :+1:

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